tiistai 24. lokakuuta 2017

DROTT - IH (Jumbo Sicam, France)

Society de Industrial Construction of Mechanical Hydraulic Appliances (SICAM) 
Drott was the sole supplier of loader attachments for International Harvester crawler tractors in the 1950s, until International introduced their own line of integral loaders.

Edward Drott founded Drott Tractor Company in his home town of Butternut, Wisconsin, in 1916. It was moved to Wausau, Wisconsin, in 1923. In 1924, it was reorganized as Hi-Way Service Corporation and relocated again, this time to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 
Hi-Way Service designed a snow plow as a joint venture with Wausau Iron Works. Hi-Way Service became Drott Manufacturing Company, and returned to Wausau.

In 1962, Drott purchased American rights to the Yumbo hydraulic backhoe produced by Sicam of France. 
(Society de Industrial Construction of Mechanical Hydraulic Appliances = SICAM)
In 1968, Tenneco Corporation purchased Drott and made it a division of Case Corporation (Collection 227), which it also owned.
Shuttlelift, Inc. (collection 1369) acquired the Carrydeck line of industrial hydraulic cranes from Drott Manufacturing Company (Collection 376). Shuttlelift was acquired by Marine Travelift, who sold the Carrydeck line to The Manitowoc Company, Inc. (Collection 15) on January 5, 2007.

Model nomenclature:
Drott was the sole supplier of loader attachments for International Harvester crawler tractors in the 1950s, until International introduced their own line of integral loaders. 
It developed the first multi-purpose bucket; dubbed the 4-in-1 bucket, it gets its name from its four functions: Dozer, clamshell, bucket and scraper. 
The 4-in-1-line became the basis for International Harvester's crawler loader line.

Drott model numbers had a prefix that matched the model number for the tractor; i.e., the TD6 used a 6K3 loader. An “A” suffix indicated a later improved version.

Sources: Marathon Country History.

Drott oli ainoa kansainvälisten Harvester-telaketjutraktoreiden kuormauslaitteiden toimittaja 1950-luvulla, kunnes International esitteli omat kiinteästi asennetut kuormaaja sarjansa.

Edward Drott perusti Drott Tractor Companyn vuonna 1916 Butternutin kotikaupungissaan Wisconsinissa. Se siirrettiin Wausau, Wisconsin, vuonna 1923. Vuonna 1924 rakennettiin uudelleen Hi-Way Service Corporationiksi ja siirrettiin uudelleen, tällä kertaa Milwaukee, Wisconsinissa.

Hi-Way Service suunnitteli lumiauran yhteisyritykseksi Wausau Iron Worksin kanssa. Hi-Way Serviceista tuli Drott Manufacturing Company ja palasi Wausauen.

Vuonna 1962 Drott osti Amerikan oikeudet Ranskalaisen Sicamin tuottamalle Yumbo-hydrauli kaivureiden sarjalle.
Vuonna 1968 Tenneco osti Drottin ja liitti sen Case Corporation (Collection 227) divisioonaan, jonka myös omisti.

Shuttlelift, Inc. (kokoelma 1369) hankki Carrydeckin teollisuushydraulinostureiden linjan Drott Manufacturing Companyn (Collection 376). Shuttlelift osti Marine Travelift, joka myi Carrydeck-linjan The Manitowoc Company, Inc: lle (Collection 15) 5. tammikuuta 2007.

Drott oli ainoa kansainvälisten Harvester-telaketjutraktoreiden kuormauslaitteiden toimittaja 1950-luvulla, kunnes IH esitteli omat kiinteästi asennetut kuormaajat.

Se kehitti ensimmäisen nelitoimi-kauhan jota kutsutaan 4-in-1 kauha, se saa nimensä sen neljästä käyttömahdollisuus toiminnosta puskuri, simpukka, kauha ja kaavin.
4-in-1-linjasta tuli IH, eli International Harvesterin tela-kuormaajien sarja.

Drottin malli-numeroilla oli etuliite, joka vastasi maatalous-traktorin mallinumeroa ts. TD6 käytti 6K3 kuormaajaa. "A" -pääte osoitti myöhemmin parannettua versiota.

Lähteet: Marathon Country History.

sunnuntai 22. lokakuuta 2017

Lännen 8800K

The strongest, biggest, versatile and most beautiful, in humble multiplied

Engine Agco Power 49 AFW (4,9 litr)
Weight 12,800 kg
Power 127 kw / 173 hp
750 Nm / 1500 rpm
Fuel tank: 150 l
Length: 9,3 m 
Width: 2,6 m
Ground clearance: 510 mm
Digging width: 6830 mm
Digging depth: 4970 mm
Digging height: 3900 mm, bottom of the bucket on a level
Front loader: 3800 mm, bottom of the bucket on a level
Swing (cylinders) torque: 4,320 kpm (= sweepings power)
Front bucket volume: SAE 1900 l
Back bucket volume SAE 500 l

                           Aiheeseen liittyvä kuva

                            Aiheeseen liittyvä kuva

Lännen 8600K - 8800K in english

Lännen 8600K - 8800K suomeksi

torstai 19. lokakuuta 2017


BRAY was founded by W.E.Bray in 1911 as Ironsmith toolbuilders from a disused empty warehouse moving on to build and supply parts for motor torpedo boats during WWI to keep business active during the conflict. 

Gradually by the early 1940s Bray started to develop wheeled diggers and became specialists in construction and earthmoving equipment ever since under the tradename of Bray Construction Equipment Company Limited of Feltham near London as they were known from 1936. 

There was NO Connection to William Bray Limited (1857-1867) an earlier company from New Cross in South London who were shortlived builders of farmtrailers, steam rollers and traction engines....

Bray, in english

                                                     Small and nice-size, wheel loader. 

                                                      Bray wheel loader, with Nuffield 

             Bray front loader, Fordson major, and Sherrman (later Ford) backhoe.

Bray etu-kuormaaja, tässä jo Matbro väreissä.

tiistai 17. lokakuuta 2017

Aveling Barford

Aveling-Barford was a large engineering company making road rollers, motorgraders, front loaders, sitedumpers, dump trucks and articulated dumptrucks or ADTs in Grantham, Lincolnshire. In its time, it was an internationally known company.

It had a dramatic formation, and was established by people not new to its field of engineering. It was formed in February 1934 when Aveling and Porter of Rochester, Kent effectively went bankrupt, when the parent company Agricultural & General Engineers (AGE) went into receivership in 1932. 

At the same time Barford & Perkins (related to today's Perkins Engines) of Peterborough were also entering administration. Frank Perkins worked for his family company of Barford & Perkins, and also Aveling and Porter. These two companies were Britain's two leading manufacturers of road rollers.

Aveling & Porter Ltd had been formed in 1850, becoming a public company on 16 July 1895, then a private company in 1919, and acquired the assets of Barford & Perkins Ltd in 1932, which had been formed in 1840. The name changed to Aveling-Barford on 13 February 1934. 

Early in 1934 the business was transferred from Rochester to Grantham on a 36-acre site which was leased from R & H. On the board of directors were Edward James Barford and William Geoffrey Barford (from Barford & Perkins), and John Heinrich Wulff Pawlyn, a Director of R & H based at the Ransomes subsidiary in Ipswich, and George Ruston Sharpley, the managing director of R & H.
                                                        Austin-Western USA

Without the financial assistance of Ruston & Hornsby of Lincoln, both companies would not have survived. R & H funded the amalgamation of the two companies, and gave them part of their Grantham site. For many years all the vehicles were powered by R & H diesel engines. R & H had also previously made road rollers, but concentrated this all at Grantham.

In the 1930s it made cooling equipment for dairy farms, and cooking equipment for hotels, hospitals, and canteens. It became a public company on 29 June 1937. At this time it claimed to make 75% of the road rollers in Britain, and world leaders in their field.

Edward Barford (23 April 1898 – 11 July 1979) became the Chairman of the company from 1933, remaining until 1968. It began making its first earth moving equipment – the Aveling Dumper.

During the Second World War the company made Bren Gun Carriers, shell fuse caps and the Loyd Carrier.

The company also made calfdozers (small bulldozers). From April 1946 two subsidiary companies were formed – Barford Developments Ltd and Barford (Agricultural) Ltd. 
On 17 September 1946 a new factory in Newcastle upon Tyne was opened.
In 1967 it became part of British Leyland.
British Leyland engines were to be used as part of the deal, but there were reliability problems.

Aveling-Barford were best known for their line of three-point roadrollers including the small GA up to the GC, The "Master Pavior" 3-point roller was one of the most famous diesel rollers. However many other types of earthmoving machinery were designed and manufactured by Aveling Barford in England.

A-B were also significant for their all wheel driven and all wheel steering motor graders often using Leyland Trucks running gear as were also producers of ADT models called the RDX Series with 6X6. A line of rigid dumpers was manufactured from 30 tonne RD030 through to the 50 tonne RD050 and eventually a RD55 and RD65 were added.

A new dumptruck the RD44 was unveiled at Bauma to try and rejuvenate the line of dumptrucks but with limited success
During the 1970s to the 1980s A-B were producing their own range of front loaders with 4X4 axles and are fitted with Cummins, Leyland or Ford heavy duty diesel engines. They resembled the popular British made BRAY or FORD loader models of the 1980s.

Site dumpers were first mass manufactured by A-B in the 1940s mostly with Fordson Tractor Diesel engines. Today these are still made and sold under the Barford name

sunnuntai 15. lokakuuta 2017


Richier oli ranskalainen rakennus-koneiden valmistaja ja valmisti monenlaisia ​​maansiirtokoneita samaan tapaan kuin Englantilainen Aveling Barford Ltd yhtiö, joka suunnitteli, keksi ja valmisti omia maanrakennus koneita. Fordin osti Richier yrityksen 1970 heinäkuussa, vuoteen 2011 osaksi Fordin rakennustekniikkaosastoa ja rakensi useita sarjoja kaivukoneita ja muihin koneita, joita markkinoitiin Fordin tuotemerkin alla Euroopassa. Ford vetäytyi rakennuskone markkinoilta 1980-luvulla, kun ne myytiin New Hollandin nimelle, traktoreiden valmistuksen Italian Fiatille osana rakenneuudistusta.

RICHIER-yhtiö oli jättiläinen rakennuskoneiden asiantuntija, joka toimi useilla alueilla Ranskassa. Jokainen näistä tehtaista tuotti omaa Richier-mallistoansa 1890-luvun lopulta lähtien. Vaikka Richierillä oli päätoimisto ja pääkonttori Pariisissa, yhtiö kasvoi nopeasti ja avasi kotimaassa lisää tehtaita. Lyonissa lähellä kuuluisaa Marius Berliet -kuorma-autojen tehtaalla, toinen Charlevillessä, toinen Montjolissa ja ylimääräinen tuotantolaitos Courbevoie:ssä. 

1900-luvun alkupuolella RICHIER, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä Groupe Richier SA, alkoi valmistaa yleisiä maatalouskoneita usein laajalla valikoimalla käyttäen Berliet- 
ja Renault-dieselmoottoreita sekä Citroen- tai Ford-bensiinikäyttöisiä malleja. 

Richierilla oli pitkä historiansa aikana myös tiiviit yhteydet muihin kotimaisiin yrityksiin kuten Nordest, Oleomat, Willeme sekä ulkomaiset tuotemerkit, kuten Demag, Dingler, Henschel ja Frisch, jotka kaikki ovat tunnettuja rakennuskoneiden valmistajia. 

1960-luvulta lähtien Richier-yritys oli laajentunut suurelta osin omien telaketju-nostolaitteiden, telaketjujen, kaivinkoneiden, tiehöyläkoneiden, moottoriajoneuvojen, pyöräkuormaajien, pylväskoneiden ja puskutraktorien valmistamiseen ja tuotantoon, vaikka osa autoista perustui muihin merkittäviin malleihin, jotka alun perin valmistettiin lisenssillä Frischistä ja Henschelistä, kuten se tapahtui yleisemmin autojen ja kuorma-autojen kanssa.

1970-luvulla Groupe Richier SA osti pienen nosturi ja kaivukone valmistaja Oleomat yhtiön, joka työskenteli läheisesti kummankin sekä Berlietin että Willemen kuorma-auton valmistajien kanssa, kun taas myöhemmät mallit 1980-luvulla olivat alkuperäisiä RICHIER-tuotteita, ja enimmäkseen Richier tehtaa omiin suunnitelmiin perustuvia ja Richier tehtaissa valmistettuja, niiden malleja.

Useimmat Richierin koneet valmistettiin Deutz AG -moottorein, muutamat mallit kotimaisilla moottoreilla, ja muutamat AEC:n lisenssillä valmistettuja.