perjantai 29. heinäkuuta 2016

Liikkuva kaivuri - Mobile excavator

Cable-operated cranes and excavators used winches and steel ropes work operations

Some excavators were mounted on commercial trucks, as were the original truck cranes, and others went on purpose-built crane carriers. In some cases a partial-swing backhoe was simply attached to the back of a truck or a tractor-like chassis. 

Eräät varhaiset kaivinkoneet asennettiin kuormautojen rungoille, samankaltaisiin alustoihin joissa monissa oli alkuperäinen pyörivä kuormaus nosturi, mutta toiset valmistajat asensivat ne juuri tätä tarkoitusta varten rakennetun nosturin rungolle.

Joissakin tapauksissa vain osittain kääntyvä traktorin irto-kaivuri oli yksinkertaisesti kiinnitetty ohjaamon taakse kuorma-auton rungolle tai traktorin perävaunu alustalle.

Vaijeri käyttöiset nosturit ja kaivinkoneet käyttävät vinssejä ja teräsköysiä kaikissa työtoiminnoissaan. Vaijeri käyttöisen konee edut on puomi rakenne jonka johdosta rakenne on kevyt, jonka ansiosta se ylettyy työssä hyvin pitkälle, ja suuria vaijeri koneita käytetään ulottuvuuden takia yhä edelleen kaivos- ja vesi rakentamisessa.

                                                 Coles Crane

                                    Romania S.C. PROMEX S.A. Braila exavator

                                                     Michican 50 crane

     Sennebogen SH40,  the traditional rope-operated mechanical excavators

                                                  Romanian Braila 

                                                 Crane Taylor Jumbo
During World War II Brockway manufactured the B666 heavy truck, including the B666 Daybrook M-II-A bridge erector and C666 Quick Way crane, as well as G547 and G690 6-ton 6×6 bridging trucks, part of a standard design series also built by Corbitt and White. 

G547 "Treadway" trucks had a large hoist on the rear for self-unloading, while the G690 chassis were fitted with "Quickway" cranes, also used in bridging operations.

All 6-ton military trucks (of all manufacturers) had Hercules HXD 855 14.0 litr. gasoline engines, developing 202 hp / 151 kW at 2150 rpm and 870 N·m of torque at 900 rpm.

Wheelbase: 220 (B666), 197" rear axles - 52" Road clearance.
10 inches Electrics: 6 Volt (starter - 12 Volt) 
Gearbox: 4 speeds + 1 rear, 2-speed transfer box with front axle declutch. 
Brockway B666 Nordwest crane Clutch: dry single plate Axles gear ratio: 7,33:1 double reduction.
Air brakes, Liquid cooling, 
Front axle: rigid with semi-elliptic leaf springs,
Rear axle: rigid with inverted semi-elliptic leaf springs.
Quick-Way revolving crane, Maximal speed: 35 mph Tyres: 10,00-20 inches.

Fuel tank capacity: 80 gallon Fuel consumption: up to 75 Ltr./100km
Michigan Kaivinkone ja Nosturi yhtiö oli maailman ensimmäinen yhtiö joka käsitteli tämän ongelman ratkaisua valmistamalla oman rungon nosturille.

Vaunun runko oli rakennettu suuren vetolujuuden teräksestä, jota käytettiin myös suurien ja vahvojen kauhojen valmistuksessa, ja joka oli erityisesti suunniteltu ehkäisemään liiallista rasitusta kuormainta käytettäessä, seikka joka lisää rungon kestävyyttä ja lisää myyntiä.

Yhdistämällä lujuus sekä keveys, tämä mahdollisti nosturin nostaa kuusi tonnia sekä käsittelemään suurta 2 m3 kauhaa.

Huolimatta nopeus sekä liikkuvuuden antamista eduista joita ajoneuvo-nosturi pohjaiset koneet tarjosi, hydrauliset traktorikaivurit ja kaivurikuormaajat eivät oikeastaan koskaan siirtyneet käyttämään suuria maantie siirtymisen ajo-nopeuksia
Oli olemassa kaksi kielteistä seikkaa jotka vastustivat tämän kaltaisia tie-nopeuksia.

                                                Demac shovel and white frame

                                  Brockway, B666 heavy crane

sunnuntai 3. heinäkuuta 2016

Reconstruction time - ww2 - Jälleenrakennus aika.

Four million out of the sixteen million homes in Germany were destroyed during Allied bombings in World War II, with another four million damaged. Half of all school buildings, forty percent of the infrastructure, and many factories were either damaged or destroyed. According to estimates, there were about 400 million cubic metres of ruins.


Allis-Chalmers HD 10W

International TD 18

In the west, Alsace-Lorraine was returned to France. The Sudetenland reverted to Czechoslovakia following the European Advisory Commission's decision to delimit German territory to be the territory it held on 31 December 1937. Close to one quarter of pre-war (1937) Germany was de facto annexed by the Allies; roughly 10 million Germans were either expelled from this territory or not permitted to return to it if they had fled during the war. 

The remainder of Germany was partitioned into four zones of occupation, coordinated by the Allied Control Council. The Saar was detached and put in economic union with France in 1947. In 1949, the Federal Republic of Germany was created out of the Western zones. The Soviet zone became the German Democratic Republic.

Germany paid reparations to the United Kingdom, France, and the Soviet Union, mainly in the form of dismantled factories, forced labour, and coal. German standard of living was to be reduced to its 1932 level. Beginning immediately after the German surrender and continuing for the next two years, the US and Britain pursued an "intellectual reparations" programme to harvest all technological and scientific know-how as well as all patents in Germany. 

The value of these amounted to around US$10 billion (US$121 billion in 2015 dollars). In accordance with the Paris Peace Treaties, 1947, reparations were also assessed from the countries of Italy, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Finland.

                                                      Sherman M3A1 Dozer

Caterpillar D7


During the post-war construction boom, the Caterpillar company grew at a rapid pace and launched its first venture outside the U.S. in 1950, marking the beginning of Caterpillar's development into a multinational corporation.

Between 1945 and 1946, the Allied powers, in both West Germany and East Germany, ordered all women between 15 and 50 years of age to participate in the postwar cleanup. For this purpose, previous restrictive measures protecting women in the labor force were removed in July 1946. Recruitment of women was especially useful since at that time, because of the loss of men in the war, there were seven million more women than men in Germany.

                                             Lorain T6 and AC Mack 
          Truck Mounted, M2, MC-6×6 list name. 3/8 cubic yard Lorain Moto-crane.


The time of World War II, many truck mounted cranes were produced for the U.S. military by combining a truck chassis. The truck mounted cranes uses engineer troops, and general purpose lifting and recovery.

The crane was used in support the Army. In the background of this photo can be seen one of these gun tubes, still coupled to its prime mover. In the foreground, the battery’s crane digs the emplacement.
Taylor Jumbo mobile crane. Its made to assist handlings big bundles. Taylor & Sons made their own experimental lifting crane model. Configuration is made ex army Morris Commercials WD 4X4 Army truck chassis, and are hydraulic lifting mechanism

                             Coles crane. 3 ton mobile yard crane.

                                               Lima shovel and International truck.

Lima shovel machine


                                   Studebacker, white halftrack and Lima shovel